Your website is the first thing that your customers see. It doesn't matter how well-designed your products are or how talented your sales team is; if your site isn't optimized for conversion, it's going to be hard to make sales. However, there are many ways to improve the user experience on your website and increase engagement with visitors. In this article we'll cover some of the things that will help you create an award-winning website design:
Storytelling Is Not Just A Feature
Storytelling is not just a feature. It's the heart of your business, and it should be at the core of everything you do.
To have an impact on your audience, your story needs to be authentic, consistent and memorable.
If you're not telling a story that resonates with your customers or clients, then you're missing out on an opportunity for growth—and maybe even losing them altogether!
But what is storytelling? How can you apply it to your business? And how do you make it work for you—without coming across as cheesy or disingenuous?
The short answer is that storytelling is all about connecting with your audience on an emotional level. It's about speaking to them in a way that resonates with their own experiences—and it's not just for fiction writers! In fact, when you're telling your company’s story, you want to use the same principles as fiction writers do when crafting their novels or screenplays.
Do You Have One Winning Product Or A Bunch Of Them?
One thing that you'll notice about a lot of the successful websites is they don't try to be everything to everyone. They focus on one thing and do it very well, then they repeat the process with a new product or service.
For example, Amazon is an excellent example of this—they started out selling books and have expanded into selling almost anything you can think of! They are still primarily an online bookseller but have also become a marketplace for other sellers who want exposure as well as offering their own products like movies, music and electronics (Kindle).
You can see how this model is scalable, and you can also see how it's possible for Amazon to focus on different types of products without diluting their brand. This is a great example of how the content strategy works.
Make Your Sales Page The Best It Can Be
The video on your homepage should create a sense of urgency and intrigue. Why? Because it’s the first thing that people see when they visit your site. You want to get them interested enough in what you have to offer so that they’ll click on another page (like the sales page).
The next place where you should use a video is on your sales page. This can be an introduction into what you do, or some sort of promotional video telling customers why they should buy from you instead of someone else. We have written previously about how videos increase conversion rates almost 200%!
Another great place to use a video is on your contact page. Customers expect businesses these days to have easier ways for them to reach out than just through email or phone calls—why not try something new like Skype? Using Skype could also help with sales since many people like shopping online but don't want their credit card info floating around over the internet - so having live chat conversations with potential clients could be very helpful!
Make Your Site Visible To Google
Make your site visible to Google. Use tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Moz to find out what keywords people are searching for.
Make sure your website loads quickly so users don't leave before they see it. Test the speed of your site with tools like PageSpeed Insights.
You should optimize your site: minify, CSS, JS and image sprites as much as possible!
Make sure your site loads quickly so users don't leave before they see it. Test the speed of your site with tools like PageSpeed Insights. You should optimize your site: minify, CSS, JS and image sprites as much as possible!
Add A Newsletter Signup Form To Your Site.
It’s a no-brainer. Newsletters are not only a great way to keep in touch with your customers, but they can also build trust with them. They’re also an excellent tool for promoting new products and services, as well as building relationships with customers.
Newsletters are an easy way to get your message out to a large audience. They’re also a great way to keep in touch with your customers, build trust and promote new products and services.
Generate Reviews & Testimonials
One of the best ways to increase conversions is by generating reviews and testimonials. Reviews are one of the most powerful forms of social proof, because they prove that other people have had a positive experience with your business.
You can generate these reviews yourself through email campaigns, mailing lists, surveys, and even Google Forms (use this technique). Or you can pay an agency like Customer Lobby or Clutch to help you find them for you (they're affordable and they'll get you more than enough!).
Once you've got those reviews in hand, it's time to make sure they look good on your site! A few quick tips: use images (not just text), keep them short (between 150-200 words), cite specific examples from the customer's experience with your business if possible; avoid using stock photos unless relevant; and write descriptive titles/headlines that highlight key points/features of their experience.
Include Social Buttons In Your Design
Social media buttons are a great way to help your site's SEO, increase engagement with your audience, and generate traffic. They are also an amazing tool for sharing content and increasing social media engagement.
A few benefits of including social media buttons on your website:
Social sharing can help drive traffic back to your site.
Followers who see the button may be encouraged to click it, which will lead them back to your site.
Additionally, when people share content from another website (including yours), they often include commentary or other relevant details about that post—which can increase the chance that someone else sees this information as well (and then visits your page).
Test For 100% Compatibility With Smartphones, Tablets & Different Browsers
One of the most important aspects of any website is its ability to be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or computer. What you may not know is that different browsers have different capabilities and can make your website look significantly different than it does on other devices.
By testing your site across different browsers and devices, you will be able to see if there are any issues with how it looks or functions in those environments. There are many tools that can help with this process including Google's Mobile Friendly Test and their PageSpeed Insights tool (which also has a mobile speed testing function).
These tools will tell you if your site is mobile-friendly, how fast it loads and how well it performs. You can then use this information to make changes to your site that will improve its performance on mobile devices.
It Is Important To Provide A Good User Experience On Your Website
There are many tools you can use to improve the user experience on your website. One of them is Google Analytics, which allows you to measure how people use your site and where they go when they're there. For example, if everyone who visits our homepage goes directly to an article about "how I eat oatmeal" instead of reading any other content on the page, then it's probably not working as well as it could be!
Another tool that can help you improve the user experience is Crazy Egg — this one lets you see which parts of a web page are attracting the most attention from visitors by highlighting those parts in red or blue (depending on whether users look at them more often). If your users are clicking through without reading any text at all, then there's probably room for improvement with how things are set up.
You can also test different versions of your site using Optimizely; this tool does A/B testing so that you don't have waste time making changes that won't work well for everyone. This way when users see two versions of something (like an email message), they'll know which one works better before anyone else does!
We hope that we've given you some ideas on how to improve your website. If there's one thing we know for sure about the internet, it's that change is constant. New trends come and go, but one thing remains constant--people love to use websites that give them value! So if you want to keep up with the latest trends in web design or learn more about how other businesses are using technology as a competitive advantage, check out our blog posts where we cover these topics regularly.